Shayumi Xystems [-S.X-]

CEOSonja LitvyakTax rate0.10000000149012%

Alliance history

Shayumi XystemsViral Society2019-08-04 17:362019-10-11 01:212 months, 6 days, 7 hours and 45 minutes
Shayumi XystemsSalt Farmers2017-09-15 19:032019-08-04 17:361 year, 10 months, 19 days, 22 hours and 33 minutes
Shayumi XystemsOrphan Tears.2017-05-20 06:432017-09-15 19:033 months, 26 days, 12 hours and 20 minutes
Shayumi XystemsGalactic Skyfleet Empire2017-01-24 12:442017-05-20 06:433 months, 25 days, 17 hours and 59 minutes
Shayumi XystemsJovian Enterprises2015-12-24 10:102017-01-24 12:441 year, 1 month, 2 hours and 34 minutes
Shayumi XystemsDARK-NOVA2015-08-16 18:012015-12-24 10:104 months, 7 days, 16 hours and 9 minutes
Shayumi Xystems ist eine deutschsprachige PvP und PVE Corporation f\xfcr neue und erfahrene Spieler.
F\xfcr weitere Informationen oder zur Rekrutierung wendet Euch bitte an Chief Executive Officer Sonja Litvyak oder besucht unseren Kanal S.X.
Bitte wendet Euch f\xfcr diplomatische Angelegenheiten an Sonja Litvyak.
Shayumi Xystems - Werde ein Teil des Systems

Youtube - zkill - Twitter

Shayumi Xystems is a german-speaking corporation with focus on pvp and pve for rookies and routiniers.
For more informations please contact Chief Executive Officer Sonja Litvyak or or visit our public channel S.X.
Please contact Sonja Litvyak for diplomatic affairs.
Shayumi Xystems - Be a part of the system'



~ Updated at: 2025-03-06 18:50:48 ~

~ Next update in: 37 minutes ~

All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games